Atroce Dinasty Media Apps

Ejercicios Para Casa Y Gym 7.0.0
Atroce Dinasty Media
Ejercicios Para Casa Y Gym de Fitness SinLímites, te trae gran cantidad de ejercicios para que puedastrabajar cada músculo de tu cuerpo. Te traemos una enorme variedadde ejercicios para:Pecho, Espalda, Cuádriceps, Isquiotibiales, Hombros, Bíceps,Tríceps, Abdomen y Lumbar.Además, cada ejercicio viene separado en ejercicios con pesocorporal, los cuales no necesitan ningún tipo de equipo especial yes ideal para aquellas personas que desean ejercitarse en casa, enel parque o cualquier lugar de forma efectiva, y también te traemosejercicios con peso y máquinas, para quienes van al gym y quierensaber cuáles son los mejores ejercicios para obtener mayores ymejores resultados en sus rutinas.Cada ejercicio viene ilustrado y explicado de forma que logresconocer y aprender cuál es su adecuada ejecución y así alcanzar elmáximo provecho de cada uno.Todos los ejercicios son de de fácil y rápido acceso, de esta formapuedes consultarlos durante tu rutina para que no los olvides nuncamás.Esta aplicación también es ideal no solo para que puedas tener amano tus ejercicios, sino para todos los entrenadores personalescuyos clientes frecuentemente les consultan sobre los ejerciciosque han olvidado cómo hacer, con Ejercicios Para Casa Y Gym deFitness Sin Límites tus clientes nunca más olvidarán un ejercicio yellos te agradecerán por ello.¡Encuentra una nueva versión aquí! Gym Exercises AndFitness Unlimited, brings you lots of exercises so you can workevery muscle in your body. We bring you a huge variety ofexercises:Chest, back, quads, hamstrings, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abdomenand lumbar spine.In addition, each exercise is separate exercises with body weight,which do not need any special equipment and is ideal for those whowant to exercise at home, in the park or any place effectively andalso bring you weight-bearing exercise and machines for those whogo to the gym and want to know what are the best exercises to getbigger and better results in their routines.Each exercise is illustrated and explained so that you achieve knowand learn their proper implementation and thus achieve the most outof each.All exercises are quick and easy access, this way you can consultduring your routine so you will not never forget.This application is also ideal not only for you to have on handyour exercises, but for all personal trainers whose clientsfrequently consult them about the exercises that have forgotten howto do, with homeworks And Gym Fitness Unlimited your customersanymore they forget an exercise and they will thank you forit.Find a new version here!
Exercises for Home & Gym 1.4
Atroce Dinasty Media
Fitness Sin Limites brings you lots ofexercises for Home and Gym so you can work every muscle in yourbody. We bring you a huge variety of exercises to:Chest, Back, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps,Abdomen and Lumbar.Besides, each exercise is separated in: Body weight, which you donot need any special equipment and is ideal for those who want toexercise at home, in the park or anywhere effectively, we alsobring weight exercises and machines: for those who go to the gymand want to know what are the best exercises to obtain betterresults in their routines.Each exercise is illustrated and explained so that you get to knowand learn what its proper execution and to achieve the maximumbenefit of each.All exercises are easy and quick to access, so you can consult themduring your routine and you do not forget them anymore.This app is also ideal not only for you to have your exercises onhand, but for all personal trainers whose clients frequently askthem about the exercises they have forgotten how to do, withExercises for Home & Gym from Fitness Sin Limites, your clientswill never forget an exercise and they will thank you for it.
Calories Calculator 1.0
Atroce Dinasty Media
With Calories Calculator you can finally have your ownpersonalcalculator on hand to know how many calories you shouldconsume perday according to your macronutrients, this means thatit'll showyou the correct amount of fats, proteins andcarbohydrates that youmust consume to feed you correctly accordingto your objectives.Your calorie calculator lets you know the amountof calories youneed according to your physical activity, as well asyour goals,this means that if you want to lose weight, you'll knowexactly themagic number you should consume to achieve your goal,which isperfect if you are in the stage of fat loss and definitionto looka more toned body, or simply if you want to lose somesizes.Likewise, if your goal is to gain pure muscle mass, you'llalsoknow the exact amount of protein you should consume, as wellasyour other macros, so that you gain true muscle, or if you wanttomaintain the same weight, but in a healthier way. In addition,thecalorie calculator will not only tell you how many caloriesyoushould consume, you can also measure your body mass index (BMI)aswell as your body fat percentage to know how healthy you areandhow close to your goals you are. Knowing how many dailycaloriesyou should consume, plus your BMI and body fat percentage,you'llhave total control over your body, making this applicationidealfor reaching your fitness goals. Also, if you are apersonaltrainer, with your calorie calculator, you'll be able tomoreaccurately handle the most important data of your clients,theamount of calories they should consume and measure theirprogressto show them that they are really getting results .